Fee and Rate Studies
SCI has extensive experience in establishing new or updated financing programs for public agencies. Not only will SCI prepare new fee programs and rates that meet the substantive requirements of law but will also assist with the implementation progress from internal review and stakeholder outreach, through adoption by the governing body.
Development Impact Fee Nexus Studies
An “AB 1600” development impact fee is a one-time fee imposed on new residential or nonresidential development to fund new or expanded facilities and to ensure development “pays their own way.” SCI will first prepare a Nexus Study to establish the legal and policy basis for the new or updated impact fee program. Next, SCI will assist you with the procedural requirements for the adoption of the fee program including stakeholder outreach, adoption, and implementation of the fee program.
Quimby Land Dedication and In-Lieu Fee Studies
The Quimby Act authorizes park agencies to require the dedication of land or to impose fees-in-lieu of dedication for park or recreational purposes as a condition of the approval of a tentative or parcel subdivision map. SCI can prepare a Quimby Study to calculate a park agency’s maximum allowable land dedication requirement and in-lieu fee. SCI can also assist you with the preparation of a Quimby ordinance or revisions to an existing ordinance.
Annual Report & Five-Year Finding Reports
Public agencies that impose development impact fees are required to prepare an annual report and a five-year finding report detailing fee collection, expenditures and establishing a detailed nexus for unexpended balances. SCI will develop the two reports in compliance with the Mitigation Fee Act and associated resolutions and notices.
Regulatory Fee Studies
Regulatory fees are one-time fees imposed by a public agency to recover the cost of a regulatory activity, such as issuing licenses and permits and performing investigations, inspections, and audits. In order to impose such fees, a Regulatory Fee Study is required to ensure compliance with the substantive and procedural requirements of Proposition 26. SCI will prepare the Report and associated resolutions, and agenda reports.
Cost of Service Studies
A Cost-of-Service Study establishes the legal and policy basis for imposing fees to recover the “estimated and reasonable” direct and indirect costs of providing various services and programs. SCI can also assist you in creating cost recovery policies and a method of collection for each fee which is legally compliant and consistent with local policies.
Utility Rate Studies and Five-Year Financing Plans
A utility rate study determines the annual revenue and monthly rates required to fund the cost of operations, maintenance, and servicing, including replacement, debt service, and “pay-as-you-go” financing of capital improvements of a utility. SCI will work closely with you and key stakeholders to prepare a sustainable five-year financial plan and rate structure and assist with Proposition 218 notice and protest proceedings.